
The zkPass Query language and DVR concept are designed to be easy to learn. To further simplify this, we developed the Proof Builder. This tool offers a simple interface for users to explore zkPass technology without deep coding skills, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Experience zkPass with our Proof Builder Demo. This user-friendly environment allows both users and developers to understand and utilize Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) effortlessly.

Proof Builder made simple

  1. Democratize Access: Make zkPass accessible to non-experts without advanced coding skills.
  2. Showcase Practical Applications: Provide hands-on experiences illustrating zkPass functionality.
  3. Educate and Inform: Increase knowledge of ZKPs for secure, efficient integration.
  4. Foster Innovation: Encourage ZKP exploration, inspiring new ideas and applications.

Note: Instructions/tutorials are also available on the page during the demo.

Build and Verify Proofs with Ease

Ready to build your own proofs?